KiWi™ 2000/2020
User’s Guide
Photographic VR
Panoramic Tripod Head
Designed expresslyfor the Olympus C-2000
and the C-2020 Digital Cameras
Please take a brief moment and fill out the warranty registration card in-
cluded with your package. Please print clearly in capital letters and remember
to affix postage.You can also register after filling out the card by faxing it to
215-322-4186 or register on-line at: http//
The KiWi 2000/2020 is shipped in a single box and consists of the components
detailed below. Please make sure that all parts are included. Examine the parts
for any signs of shipping damage. In the event of shipping damage, immediately
contact Kaidan to process claims. If any item is missing or you notice any dam-
age, call Kaidan at 215-364-1778 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM EST,
Vertical Bracket
C-2000Z Camera
(not included)
Captive Camera Knob
& Mounting Holes for
standard and wide
angle settings
(Not visible)
Twin-axis Bubble
Friction Cap and
Retaining Knob
Indexing Hub
Angle Indicator
The KiWi 2000 also comes with two detent discs (14 and 18 positions, not shown)
and a Camera Adjustment Shoe (attached to the Vertical Bracket).
The Friction Cap needs to be removed in order to change detent discs.The discs
provide the means for establishing and changing the number and spacing ofthe
angular increments of the tripod head. The two discs that come standard with
the KiWi 2000/2020 provide for 14 and 18 shots per revolution. Use the 18 position
detent disc when capturing images with the normal wide-angle setting of the
camera. Use the 14 position detent disc when using the optional Olympus Wide
Conversion Lens WCON-08 for the Olympus C-2000Z and C-2020Z camera.
To remove the Friction Cap, loosen the silver colored Retaining Knob which is lo-
catedon thesideoftheFriction Cap.It doesnot havetoberemovedfrom theCap,
but only backed out far enough to allow the Cap to be unscrewed from the axle.
You can lookinto the opening in the center of the cap to see when the Retaining
Knob is clear ofthe hexagonal-shaped axle.Rotate the cap counterclockwise and
remove it from the unit.
Frict ion Cap
Vertical Bracket
Indexing Hub
Once the Friction Cap has been removed, separate theVertical Bracket from the
Indexing Hub.You might need to wiggle the pieces as you pull them apart.
Once the Indexing Hub is removed, the detent disc can be removed from its re-
cess in the bottom of the Vertical Bracket. The disc may slip out once the Index-
ingHubisremoved.Ifit sticksinsidetherecess,simplyinsert thetipofaballpoint
pen or a pin small enough to fit into the detent disc ejection hole on the top of
the bracket and push the detent disc out of the detent disc recess.
With the disc removed, a different disc can be inserted to change the angular
spacing. The 14 position detent disc (included with your bracket) is for use with
the optional Olympus Wide Conversion Lens WCON-08.
To install a different disc, simply align the keyed slot and push the disc into the
recess. Make sure the disc is properly seated and flush to the bottom surface of
the Vertical Bracket.With the new disc inserted, reassemble by inserting the In-
dexing Hub back through the bearing in theVertical Bracket.
Replace the Friction Cap by threading the Cap back onto the axle. Continue to
thread the cap so that there is no free playbetween theVertical Bracket and the
Indexing Hub. The rubber washer on the bottom of the Friction Cap should be
slightlycompressed.When the drag feels adequate,turn the Friction Cap so that
the threaded shaft of the Retaining Knob is aligned with the closest flat on the
axle.Tighten the Retaining Knob to lock the Cap in place.
The spring plunger that provides the detent action can also be adjusted to vary
the force.Use a flat blade screw driver to move the plunger in and out as desired.
A convenient way to adjust the plunger is to screw the plunger all the way in
until it gentlybottoms out.Then unscrew the plunger about one complete turn.
The KiWi 2000/2020 is designed to be used with:
• The normal wide-angle setting of the camera lens
•The optional Olympus Wide Conversion Lens WCON-08 (screw on)
• Other third partylenses usable with the Olympus C-2000Z and C-2020Z camera
The normal wide-angle setting of the camera will require the 18 position detent
disc.The Olympus Wide Conversion Lens WCON-08 requires the use ofthe 14 po-
sition detent disc.
The KiWi 2000/2020 also comes with a Camera Adjustment Shoe to help keep
your cameramountedvertically.It alsomakesit easytoremoveandreplaceyour
camera in the same position. Before the camera is attached, loosen the knob on
the Camera Adjustment Shoe. Once the knob is loosened, the shoe can slide for-
ward or backwards to help position the camera. You may need to remove the
shoeandreposition it against either thefront or thebackofthecamera,depend-
ing which configuration is selected.
Cam era
Adjust m ent Shoe
(Knob is on the
other side)
The KiWi 2000/2020 is designed to be used with either the standard wide-angle
camerasettingorwiththeadd-on OlympusWideConversion LensWCON-08.The
two threaded mounting holes below the slot on the Camera Bracket will posi-
tion the camera at its proper nodal point setting for either configuration. The
diagram below shows the proper mounting holes for the camera .
Note: The slot above the camera mounting holes will accept the Camera Knob
and can be used to locate the camera in accordance with the nodal points of
other 3rd party lenses (see Chapter 3 for instructions).
Cam era Adj. Shoe Knob
Capt ive Cam era
Mounting hole
Mount ing hole for
for standard wide
wide angle lens
angle setting of
The KiWi 2000/2020 has a female 1/4-20 thread on the bottom of the Indexing
Hub for mounting to most standard tripods. When ready to shoot, make sure
that the KiWi 2000/2020 is securely attached to the tripod. Use a tripod that is
sturdy, ideally one that has a center support system of braces to help keep the
camera and KiWi 2000/2020 from excessive flexing. It may be possible that your
tripod uses a larger 3/8 inch thread. If this is the case,you can purchase a 3/8 to
1/4 adapter at a camera store or photographer equipment supplier.
When ready to shoot, it is important that the unit is level. Observe the twin-axis
bubble level on the KiWi 2000/2020 while leveling the tripod. Of course, this task
is much easier if the tripod is equipped with a tilt head. If the tripod does not
have a tilt head, a QuickTilt™ leveler can be purchased from Kaidan for use with
the KiWi 2000/2020. Once the KiWi 2000/2020 is level, double check to see if the
camera is mounted level in elevation. Use the Camera Adjustment Shoe and
place it against the camera. By placing the shoe snugly against the camera, it
will help to verticallyalign and position the camera.
You are now ready to begin capturing your first panorama.You should also, at
this time, review the documentation of the panoramic stitching software that
is being used in order to get recommendations for exposure settings and other
camera settings.
The KiWi 2000/2020 has a female 1/4-20 thread on the bottom of the Indexing
Hub for mounting to most standard tripods. When ready to shoot, make sure
that the KiWi 2000/2020 is securely attached to the tripod. Use a tripod that is
sturdy,ideallyone that has a center support system of braces to help keep the
camera and KiWi 2000/2020 from excessive flexing.
It may be possible that your tripod uses a larger 3/8 inch thread. If this is the
case,you can purchase a 3/8 to 1/4 adapter at a camera store or photographer
equipment supplier.
When ready to shoot, it is important that the unit is level. Observe the twin-axis
bubble level on the KiWi 2000/2020 while leveling the tripod. Of course, this task
is much easier if the tripod is equipped with a tilt head. If the tripod does not
have a tilt head, a QuickTilt™ leveler can be purchased from Kaidan for use with
the KiWi 2000/2020.
Once the KiWi 2000/2020 is level, double check to see if the camera is mounted
level in elevation. Use the Camera Adjustment Shoe and place it against the
camera. By placing the shoe snuglyagainst the camera, it will help to vertically
align and position the camera.
You’re now ready to begin capturing your first panorama.You should also, at
this time review the documentation of the panoramic stitching software that
is being used in order to get recommendations for exposure settings and other
camera settings.
Follow these steps and you will be able to easily locate the nodal point for any
camera and lens combination.
Simply put, the nodal point is the point inside your camera where the light rays
converge and flip over. When shooting an immersive panorama, it is necessary
to rotate about this point to eliminate the image mismatch caused by parallax
Parallax error can be easily demonstrated by this simple experiment. Close one
eyeandholdyour indexfinger upright about sixinchesawayfrom your open eye.
Rockyour head from side to side. Notice how your finger moves with respect to
thebackground.Thisrelativemovement isduetothefact that youarenot rotat-
ingyour headaroundyour eye’snodalpoint,which issomewherein thecenter of
your eyeball. Instead, you’re rotating about your spine which is several inches to
therear andofftooneside.It isthisrelativeside-to-sidemotionthat wewillstrive
to eliminate when setting up a camera for VR panoramas.
Once the camera is fastened to the KiWi 2000 /2020Pan Head, the center of the
lenswillbedirectlyover thepivot axis.Noside-to-sideadjustment willbeneeded.
Put the Captive Camera Knob in the long slot of the Vertical Bracket. This will
allow you to slide the camera (along with the Camera Adjustment Shoe) as re-
quired.Note:Thisstepismost easilyaccomplishedoutside.Findaverticaledgeor
line, such as a doorway or edge of a building. Position the unit and tripod about
four feet away, or as close as possible with the edge still in focus when looking
through the view displayed on the LCD screen of the camera.
Looking at the camera’s LCD,find another vertical edge or object that is far away,
such as another building or telephone pole.Align the two objects and rotate the
Vertical Bracket so they are in the left hand side ofthe viewfinder.
Rotate the pan head so the two objects move over to the right hand side of the
viewfinder. Unless you’ve managed to unwittingly locate the right nodal point
position,you should notice the two objects will move with respect to each other
as theVertical Bracket is rotated from left to right.Slide the camera to the front
or rear as required to eliminate this relative movement.
No relat ive m ovem ent
between object when
rotat ing cam era from
side to side.
Looking through the viewfinder, align a close object (brick wall) with a faraway
object (telephone pole). As the camera is rotated from side-to-side, there should
be no relative movement between the two objects.
Relative m ovem ent
between object when
rotat ing cam era from
side to side.
If, as shown to the right, the two objects move with respect to one another in
the viewinder, slide the camera fore or aft in order to eliminate this movement.
Here, the telephone pole has moved behind the brickwall.
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